Tuesday, April 04, 2006


That’s my slant on this in terms of people I hate or can’t stand at all. As a politician I do get stuck having to suck up to plenty of citizens and that can be chore. However, I’m not speaking of the ordinary people I encounter. Those are tolerable in their own way I suppose. At least I try to tolerate them.

What I’m speaking of here are the most scummy and despicable people on the planet. And I have more than my share in my city. These are the ones that you never miss and don’t want to ever see again. So the longer in between visits the better I enjoy it.

I wish I could say that only related to politicians and lawyers. But this applies to regular people too. Which is sort of said in a way. I mean how can there be any real hope for the world when the ordinary people act as bad as those of us who actually feel we have an excuse? Really depresses me to think that there might be more people out there that are as selfish and back stabbing as I am instead of having any morals or ethics.

Life does go on though. So in order to cope with this social affliction I have embarked upon a simple approach. It is call avoidance. Yep, I have learned with practice how I can honestly achieve that with some people.

It starts with my secretary. She’s a lovable and devoted gal. Plus she hopelessly gullible and believes any lie I tell her. I can give her any lame excuse I want and pass it on without thinking or questioning it.

If I work it right I can normally put off meeting with some people for weeks. And if I handle it with the proper thought I can even succeed on having my secretary tell them I’ve referred their problem to some committee. The fact that the committee doesn’t really exist makes no difference what so ever. My secretary will faithfully take the message and I’ll throw it away!

I think the toughest time this happens in terms of having to deal with people right after I’ve won another “election.” I mean the things I have to do in order to suck up to some people just to get their votes. I tell you if it wasn’t for having my assistant being able to help phony up the results so I always win things could be real crappy in terms of dealing with some people.

As it is even with this effort I still have to spend time making enough promises I have no intentions of keeping to at least make things look realistic. I also am going to have to remember next election to be sure I at least stay up late on election night so it looks like I was worried.

Anyway the pain comes after the election when so many voters who voted for me become of some promise actually expect to keep it. I truly hate when some of them drop by the office and bug me about such things when I had no intentions of keeping the promise in the first place. But as I said that is what committees are for. That always helps keep the long time even longer with people I don’t want to see the most.


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