Sunday, April 02, 2006


I don’t know how many times I’ve said this and didn’t mean it. I did it primarily out of habit or because it is the thing to do, but somebody’s standard. And being Mayor I always have to be concerned over everybody’s standard! Not that I like it or want to, but feel I have to!

Of course there are other ways to say congratulations without actually using the word congratulations. I do that for occasions when I’m a poor loser and don’t want to show it. That’s when I resort to something like “nice job” or “great job” or some other dribble that means nothing to me. But it keeps me from looking like a jerk. I am a jerk, but I don’t enjoy letting others see that!

So I go through the motions as required to try and make a person feel good about their victory. And with practice I’ve even managed to make it look like I mean it. That is one heck of an acting job in some cases.

It is too bad I can say what should be said with some people. That would be something like “Great job you lousy cheating rat. I know you figured a way to win unfairly. I admire that talent in some people. But frankly you don’t have any class and I hate your guts. So just accept my comment and don’t ask me to do more than pat you on the back. Otherwise I would probably stick a knife in your back!”

Yep, I admit it. I’m a sore loser. I don’t care what I have to do to win, including cheating. As long as the score comes out in my favor, I’m happy.

Which naturally means I don’t get too thrilled by congratulations under any circumstances. Oh I survive of course and go through the motions, but at least I have the joy when by myself of not smiling when I want to scream.

Whoever came up with the baloney about how you play the game being what counts obviously was a loser. Only some loser would try to win when he couldn’t by claiming playing it by the rules really matter.

What really counts is that you win. Nobody remembers how you play the game. When was the last time you heard somebody talk about the last sports season and say their most memorable moment was watching some guy play by the rules. Oh yeah that happens.

Heck you’ll be lucky if they even remember who won. You try and see if you can think back on any competition where you remembered the winners from last year let alone years ago. We just love the present. Because it really is the one we remember.

In any case, that is part of my view on congratulations. It really does come down to doing it for the moment to prove I can. Tomorrow like everyone I won’t even remember the winner unless it was me. But at least I have the satisfaction of knowing my lie will be remembered by whoever I congratulated. And that is enough at times. Heck it has to be.


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