Friday, April 07, 2006


The word spare is an interesting word. In bowling a spare is when you knock all the pins down on the second try when you failed to get a strike. A spare tire is either the extra tire in your trunk you use to replace a flat or it is that bulge around the middle.

Then there are spare parts. Those are the ones from a broken engine you use to repair another engine.

There is also the kind of spare where you avoid causing somebody grief by “sparing” them some problem. That kind of spare is the only one that doesn’t involve having something “extra.” It involves more not giving someone something extra they don’t really want.

Now that I’ve explored all those fabulous options and probably bored you in the process, let me “spare” you the need to burden this posting with more spares. And instead bless you with the best kind of spare.

That’s the one, which simply adds a little joy to your life. Oh I could attempt to turn this into some silly piece of fluff. But that kind of spare is always full of hot air.

What I’m talking about is more the type of joy have from things like driving and knowing you do have a good spare. Only I don’t want to reflect on cars.

I’m merely speaking of the kind of spare you have in your life that truly will keep you from some heartache. Am I getting too vague here? Perhaps.

I consider it a matter of attitude. How many of us go through life and never truly appreciate all the times when we worry about some problem and in reality if we asked something like “what is the worse that could happen?” things wouldn’t be that bad after all.

So come buddy, stop and check those spares. Have you got ones for everything that causes you stress in life? If not then why not? I mean if having a spare whatever is going to bring a little sunshine into your life then what is keeping you from finding it?

Maybe more than anything we are talking about a type of insurance. The kind you can just tuck away in case you really need a spare whatever?

Are you honestly covered for That kind of spare? I just have to ask because I know that it makes things easier for me.

Now if you think that will help you, then no problem. The fact is that I just got my license today to sell insurance and — er, you get the idea.

I hope practicing my sales pitch with this blog was a good idea. I got to get it in somewhere!


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