Saturday, April 08, 2006


Losing in terms of suffering a loss to me only matters if anyone knows about it. Yeah, you read that right. From my view, if I get screwed big time and don’t tell anyone it doesn’t count. I consider that a case of simple “plausible denial.” Which is my way of giving it a name other than a lie.

Now you can count on me to always take credit when I “find” something that belongs to somebody else. No, I won’t return it either. Unless we are talking about something that is nothing, but crap. However, if it is valuable at all or I even think it has worth, IT’S MINE!

Oh I will agree that is a double standard. Would you expect otherwise from me? You see the way I look at it if I steal from a rich person then no big deal. After all, they are rich. Their insurance will cover the loss or their insurance. So they will live with it. They might not love it, but it hardly will hurt them.

Then there is the poor working slob in the middle. Heck, I can hardly make him more miserable or happy. He’s sucked dry by the government, married to some gal who also sucks him dry and probably doesn’t even thrill him at nights any longer. And if he’s like most guys he’s got two or three kids who always have their hand out. If he’s lucky they will remember him on Father’s Day with a cheap present that he will have paid for in some way. All of this while working for some dictator of a boss who regularly violates his rights and generally emasculates him for what pittance he gets calls a wage.

Now can I really steal anything from this slob that will make him anymore unhappy than he is? I doubt it. I can perhaps give him something new to complain about. For a guy like him that is probably the most merciful thing I can do. Well, it works for me in terms of my conscience.

Before I forget, let me also talk about the poor. I imagine nobody would be regarded as a bigger creep or worst human being than somebody who would steal from people who have nothing. I agree to a point. However, I would like to point out that when you have somebody with no hope, no prospects for the future ever getting better you don’t help them by offering them any kind of change. It is simply far too cruel to in anyway leave them to think that tomorrow will be better than today, when we all know it won’t.

As I see it then, for such folks any form of prosperity only hurts them. It creates a distorted sense of reality. I wouldn’t say that if they could honestly expect some kind of deliverance from their condition. That kind of myth is what we politicians peddle at election time. It is quickly forgotten after the votes are counted.

So once again when I take from such folks, I feel I’ve really done them a favor. Oh, I didn’t say that was necessarily a good thing, just a necessary thing. Which is why I see myself as a servant of the people in so many different ways. Servants don’t work for free. It is important to remember that because for me being a servant of the people means I serve myself whatever the people have for me to take. Long my the Limburger form of democracy thrive!


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