Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Now I appreciate how it might be hard to see the way these things are related. But then you aren’t me so I wouldn’t necessarily expect you to grasp the connection without my contribution.

Basically for me these are the moments in life that are like shadows hinting at some change looming on the horizon. You just can feel it in you gut. And it doesn’t take a genius to appreciate or recognize that fact.

However the problem remains with the uncertainty over which way the chips will fall. Will this change make things better or give you a reason to sulk in some bar?

Ah so now I bet you are beginning to grasp the significance. Basically these are the opportunities and schemes that will either turn out glorious or depressing. There will be no in between.

On the one hand that is a good thing at times. It is a gamble. But the reward is so darn appealing that you just can abandoned the hope that it will end up being worth the risk.

Of course I never begin such adventures with any expectation of failure. I always start out doing everything that I can to prepare and naturally cheat in any way I can to be sure it works out in my favor.

So what turns it into a better or wetter situation? Essentially it is experience. I’ve just learned the number of times my best plans died for one reason or another.

That doesn’t keep me from trying again. Where would the fun be in that? I mean just because I experience one blunder doesn’t mean it has to be that way every time.

At least that is the prevailing logic I use whenever possible. Even more so if this grand plan, whatever it is, happens to come from my pals. I’m speaking mainly of my buddy, Hugo Muckraker.

Even though he is a newspaper reporter by trade it doesn’t mean it can’t be extra creative. Which means there are times when he will get some moment of inspiration and come up with some great idea.

By arrangement and practice it is always our habit of meeting to discuss such ventures at some bar. That really isn’t intended as a negative attitude. Merely it is from confidence. A basic desire to do some up front celebration for what we expect to be a gloriously successful efforts.

Later of course if things don’t work out then we use the excuse as a chance to spend time feeling sorry for ourselves. And sitting in the same bar just somehow makes it all the more tolerable. Win or lose in some ways doesn’t matter as long as we keep score after enough drinks!


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