Tuesday, April 18, 2006


No I’m not talking about blood in the sense of actual “blood” letting. As much as that might be appealing with some people, I have to confess that I do get squeamish at the sight of real blood.

Call it a metaphor if you will, but I’m speaking of emotional blood letting. That is when you are dealing with some total and worthless jerk and are looking for your pound of flesh in terms of making them suffer.

The amazing thing is how often there are people who stupidly thing they will never have to worry about revenge. They think they are so smart and so shrewd that nobody could treat them as bad as they treat others.

But you know it doesn’t work that way. With me particularly the moment somebody stabs me in the back I start planning revenge.

True there are a lot of times that was the victim of revenge myself, but for me it is the principle of the thing. You cause me grief even if I deserve it and I’m going to reciprocate. No, I don’t call that fair. But when do I ever use that word?

The tricky part is wounding without killing. Totally destroying another person is just a waste of time and energy from my point of view. That’s because it ends their suffering.

It is so much more satisfying to simply leave them destitute enough where they will know nothing, but misery for as long as possible. So when dealing with a stupid jerk of a snotty businessman, I never try to put him out of business. I just try to be sure he gets taxed and inspected enough so he keep working, but feel like a slave.

Let me tell you there is nothing more depressing for a crook than to not be able to profit from his labors. To just survive is as bad as killing him and let me tell you that makes me so happy.

Of course the best part is when you can achieve that without him knowing it was your idea. And if he thinks you are a friend, even better.

That’s because then he’ll come to cry on your shoulder and spill his guts and you know just how miserable he really is. That my friends is revenge of the best kind.

Which is the Limburger form of blood letting. No muss, no fuss and it isn’t even gory. Just miserable.

And to my credit I can honestly say that over the years I have accomplished my share of blood letting. Fortunately most people will never even know to what degree either. That makes it all the more joyous. As they say it is the little things in life that makes it worth living.


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