Thursday, April 13, 2006


Being sad is one of those feeling that I would rather avoid. For with me the things that really make me the saddest are when my plans to rip somebody off fail. Those really are the moment that bring tears to my eyes the most.

I know that is shallow and vain and utterly selfish. I agree, but would you expect otherwise from a guy like me?

You see from my view the important thing in life that matters I what fuels passion. For when you feel and do it utterly and completely then you are truly alive. Anything less and you are simply treading water.

I wish I could say that ordinary things inspired me, but they don’t. I wish I could say that noble causes excited me. However they bore me. That’s because when I have dealt with them I always ended up mainly in the company who wanted to give speeches. Oh they did want to help as long as they could be the center of attention, otherwise forget it. Yawn!

Call if being picky or whatever, however, I just don’t see a whole lot of difference between when people are selfish for selfish sake and when they are pretending to be generous just to they can really hog the glory. It just seems like the same thing, except that when you are just being selfish you aren’t pretending there is another reason.

But then that is my slant on it. I’m basically on a campaign in that regard to free us up from the silliness of the kind of false sincerity that is just a game. For when you get passed that non-sense then you can find some smattering of honesty.

Now you may call that a very negative view of life if you want, but I pose the question, “What would happen if we were able to be that honest?” It might be tough to accomplish, still I think it would do us good.

Imagine all the time and fuss we would save if we could stop this silly acting so noble and accept that we were all jerks. I think it would cut down on the commentaries on news reporting for one thing. Plus if politicians didn’t have to go through the pretense of acting like they care when they don’t, we wouldn’t have to lie as much.

What would come in its place? A better acceptance of human nature in my way of looking at it. We wouldn’t get so disappointed because our expectations were too high. Instead we could relax and be grateful when the worst consequences didn’t happen.

I think it would make life a lot less stressful. And then people wouldn’t have to make me sad by griping as much over the times I don’t keep promises that I never planned on keeping in the first place.

We’re talking freedom folks. Plain and simple. And that would give a guy like me reason to get into position where I had a need to be sad.


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