Friday, April 14, 2006


Glad, should by definition I suppose, be the opposite of sad. And to a degree I imagine this is true. However, there are times when I do face a situation where I don’t feel sad, but I don’t feel glad either. Just something in between. Sort of more relief that I’m not sad.

With glad though, it is for me is somewhere between utter euphoria and a simple smirk. Which isn’t always a bad thing. Just not always a source of bragging.

That is always very important to me. I like impressing people. I need to being a politician. Well at least I think it helps.

So glad in that regard is sort of like playing a game and ending up in a tie. It isn’t bad, just nothing you can rejoice over.

Why even bring it up? Because I think it is important to share such details for the sake of the other leeches out there who might not feel they are okay they way they are.

Just trust me, you rank being glad in the same category as I do then you are doing just fine. And you have no need to feel guilty about not treating being glad as a reason to jump up and down.

The big problem is dealing with this whole business in a way that works for you. That can be tricky when somebody thinks that you should act differently. Like for example when they give you something.

People if they give you something as a present want you to be happy. Not just glad, but happy. You try reacting by simply glad as the result of getting a present and see how the person reacts.

So for the sake of clarity then I just want to be sure that we find the insanity in this happy or sad thing by accept glad is what it is. A place to survive when you can truly act happy, but definitely can’t act sad.

Is any of this supposed to matter or make sense? Well I guess that depends upon whether you are in a position like me. If so and I have spared one poor unfortunate soul from suffering do to misplaced feelings then it is a good thing.

Meanwhile for those sick minds out there that feel you have to smile and jump up and down whether you are just glad instead of happy, have fun. I doubt it will change anything, but enjoy it if you can.

The rest of you sane people can join me over at the nearest bar. There we can savor a few drinks till we honestly will get too polluted to care if we are happy, glad or sad. Then we can smile because we played the game and sort of won. Which is always better than the poor losers who think their happy, when they are mainly glad.


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