Saturday, April 15, 2006


Ah, the joy of pretending. Yep, that is what I said, pretending. That is to me the essence of lying. You try to bend reality to whatever fantasy works best for you and convince somebody else to accept it too.

Too me that is the real foundation of erected a decide edifice of fabrication. Now others may look at it a different way, but that is my focus.

Actually the real challenge is getting somebody else to accept your bogus interpretation while the whole time remaining away it is a lie. That is a lot different from the person who is totally demented and honestly believes a lie is truth. In that case they aren’t really lying, just totally insane.

There is a subtle, but important difference from my point of view. The insane person can be honest to the core, just hopeless absent of understanding the truth. They don’t even have to be creative, just insane.

With the sane person who says the same thing you have to be smart, creative and most of all a good actor to convince somebody else what you say is true. It also requires the ability to have power over you conscience. That isn’t for the week of will. More than one person has failed that test. Sometimes they will crack at the last moment too.

Now I assume some people might not even care about this whole issue. They might say why even go through the mechanics of analyzing it? Which obviously means to me they don’t even bother to give this type of thing any serious thought.

Personally, I regard myself as a realist. I don’t think life is such that you can always tell the truth. I’m not trying to justify lying, merely saying that I accept there are times when for a variety of reasons we all have an occasion to do other than tell the truth. And it doesn’t even have to be a malevolent reason. It can be a simple desire to not hurt somebody’s feelings.

That is why I think this is important. You simply can’t be successful at bending the truth if you haven’t had any practice. You’ll mess it up and that can always lead to terrible consequences.

Which is why I think you should at least be skilled enough with this aspect of life so when you have to resort to such behavior you won’t blow it. Now for some of us, this type of activity is so natural and easy we hardly need much practice.

And even though they don’t offer classes in this type of fabrication in life or school, I do question why they maintain a system that lends itself to such activity. I mean we all know how many times such institutions as schools say one thing about what they do and the reality is the exact opposite. That is lying my friends, they just never admit it. So I toss that out for thought. Be happy folks, wear a smile and above all make sure you tongue is saying what your mind wants whether it is true or not. And for the few who find it easy to do so, welcome to the lying side of life.


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