Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I have no idea what makes you sad. I just know what makes me sad. And in the case of this posting the sadness I’m thinking about has mainly to do with remorse. I’m speaking of the kind of waste where there is regret related to a potential loss.

In my case this has a variety of possibilities. For example when I read some scandal in the paper or see it on television where a politician ripped off somebody and got caught. I see it and think, “so sad.” I feel that way because I keep thinking how it is a tragedy that I didn’t get to rip the person off first. At least, I try to do it in a way that does let the person know I shafted them. It is the least I can do. And if I work it right the person will even thank me for the help or should I say the opportunity to lighten their pocketbook.

So it is sad to me that this potential victim was basically abused before I had the chance. That means one less person I’ll have a chance to possible rip off. Those always bother me since there are only so many people out there I can count on to deceive and stab in the back. Frankly it is darn hard work to keep finding new individuals for me to fleece. Having that kind of bad press is just so sad.

It is sort of like when I see some young, attractive woman who is married. That to me is sad too. I mean it is easier for me when they are single. There are no husband to worry about.

Fortunately, if I work it right I get to come along right when the poor gal is no longer living in honeymoon land and starting to look at reality. I tell you I sure don’t mind providing comfort to such misfortunate ladies. After all, young gorgeous women deserve a little special attention too. It only seems like I would be failing in my duty as a civil servant if I didn’t help out such poor ladies during their time of need.

The sad part is when they end up having some other guy find them first. Now that is the saddest of sad parts. And it really hurts if I find out about it by overhearing some clown bragging about his conquest. That is the kind of sad, which just screams missed opportunity. For a hopeless leech like that can be down right painful too.

But life goes on as they say and I do enjoy when I bounce back from such disappointments with a new opportunity. It helps take the edge off the pain for me. Providing it works out the way I’m scheming. Then it isn’t so sad for me.

Ah it is sad how life has such twists and turns. Which is a whole different kind of sad. That is made sadder by the fact that it happens to me! I don’t feel so sad when I hear about some other jerk that struck out. Actually that makes me happy most of the time. Mainly because I know if they are sad in means there is still a chance I might luck out.

And as long as that hopes burns bright then I don’t mind hearing when the so said is somebody else’s problem. It just makes me smile to know it isn’t me.


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