Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Extremism can be a good thing in some cases. I suppose in part it depends on what is it that you are extreme about. I don’t think anyone would complain if you were extreme about something like helping others. Providing you were engaged in the art of helping yourself to say their bank account. That kind of help isn’t looked up as all that tolerable in some cases.

I think most of the time though extremism is often associated with something negative. For example, it is often something you see with a some religious belief. And what really drives me nuts is that it is always the nuts and crazies who get all the attention. I suppose the news media just wouldn’t be as prone to find Reverend Ordinary that appealing since he isn’t involved in doing anything wrong.

I’m sure I’m not alone in being of the mindset that if you want to be a fanatic about what you believe, that’s fine. But do you real have to bother me with it? I mean it is like you can’t be happy just knowing whatever secrets you decide are universal. NOOOO! That just will never do. You have to expect me to believe it too! That is the part that gets to me.

It is sort of like with my blog. Okay, I’m a crook, liar, swindler and those are probably my good points. I even take time to share those details with others. But I’m not doing it with the approach, this is great and you should act this way too!

I don’t even try to pretend that there is anything moral or good about my approach. I don’t see the point. I do it because I’m a selfish and completely greed rat.

And I’m not going to try and pretend that being honest about my view in any way earns me brownie points. I just state it for a frame of reference in case somebody happens to question what my philosophy is on this subject.

As I was saying though the big concern I have is over the extremists. They will always be the scourge of society in my opinion.

Unfortunately in addition to being prone to excessive behavior these same people often seem to have more endurance than others. So it means they are able to excel when a sane person might slow down or quit. That makes them even more of a pain.

How do we curtail this insanity you might ask? Well my solution is that we don’t. Instead we take the position of fueling the extremist in a way that isn’t harmful to the rest of us. For example with the religious fanatics all they really need is a encouraging “push.” Appealing to their spiritual pride. Yep, tell them what great people they are. And subtly suggest that perhaps they should take that dedication to a level that is truly inspiring along with the idea that in the process you might actually be willing to convert to their point of view.

If you work it right, they’ll be off to the nearest monastery or convent. While they are gone you can perhaps rip off their assets and, er — I suppose you get the idea.


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