Thursday, April 20, 2006


Being down and out is one of those states of being that is not uplifting. It is more than just an experience it is a feeling. And not one that most people look at in a happy way.

From my view though there is a difference between being down and out in terms of forever and temporarily. One is a state of resignation. You just plain quit. The other is a condition that can or might change.

When I’m dealing with an opponent or enemy the one thing I do want to achieve is bringing them to a state of being permanently down and out. That is when I know they won’t bother me any longer. It is a form of defeat when you know they haven’t just surrendered, but have walked into a prison cell and locked the door willingly. For a guy like me that a time for the happy dance because it represents one less thing to worry about.

What I dread are the people who have what they call in sports “a heart.” You can beat them in a conflict, but you never really conquer them. They are dangerous because they will always be in a position they might come back at you again.

So when I’m planning my strategy in this type of situation what one of my priorities has to be is to make sure I understand if the person I’m dealing with is the type who will give up with the right pressure. Or if they have the kind of hear that won’t quit.

My basic rule in that sense is to go by the fact that the more the person rambles about not quitting the more likely they are to give up. It is like they are compensating for the times when they have failed by trying to convince themselves they are die-hard never quit personalities. That for me is like a big flag that says I’m really an emotional weakling and if you just whack at me right I’ll give up.

The one’s that are the big concern are the quiet ones. They aren’t always the kind with heart, but a lot of times when they do they just don’t have the need to brag about it. They have confidence and that is very dangerous.

Which is why I try to always temper my need for revenge till I have totally decided who I am dealing with. And with the person who does have heart I don’t want to do anything to inflame their resolve. In their case if you don’t stir the pot they cool off and the lack of emotion will make them sluggish in terms of action.

I just wish my observations were the perfectly formula for dealing with such situations. It is a crap shoot at times. I’m always thrilled with I luck out and managed to leave somebody permanently down and out. As for the times I blow it, well you can be sure I don’t let anyone else know I’m feeling down and out. Besides, it just gives me an excuse to do what I can to find somebody who I can beat down to climb out of that emotional cellar. Yeah, I know it sucks, but what am I going to do spending my entire life being down and out? Not as long as I can find somebody to victimize!


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