Friday, March 24, 2006


I guess the people who control what gets on television have decided that if we like a sitcom the first time it was shown, we’ll love it the next time too. That is the only conclusion I can think of when you see the reruns on the air.

They are so dominate that once a series is cancelled it ends up coming back on a different channel and broadcasted again, again and again. Now you know they wouldn’t do that unless they decided we truly loved the idea. Which apparently is partially true since those old shows do obviously get watched.

The same logic must apply at least in Hollywood with regards to sequels and remakes. With the prevailing philosophy being that if one story goes on to be a big hit, then telling it again or doing the same one over later will work.

No matter how many times that ends up being boring or the second movie bombs they still do it again. So obviously somebody thinks it was a good idea. Not me anyone I know that loves movies and television, but somebody.

What am I getting to by mention this detail that everyone else already knows? Just to illustrate a point. We will put up with the most amazing crap at times. Why? Because we are lazy slugs.

You can excuse it any way you want, but the plain fact is the only reason so many things such as reruns exist is because we are simply too lazy to find other means of keeping entertained. God forbid if we had to actually read a book, write something or do exercise. That last one would be the worse option for us diehard couch potatoes.

So let me paint a real picture here. We go to our crappy jobs, get reamed over by our employer, the government and life in general. Then we come home and know tomorrow will be the same thing. Maybe at some point we summoned the courage or discipline to try something different and failed. Then we gave up! Plain and simple.

Hey, I’m including myself in all of this. And I’m doing it in reality to speak out in defense of all us lazy couch potatoes. It is time somebody says that we deserve credit for keeping society going. Why if it wasn’t for us sitting on our big lazy behinds and doing nothing, but vegetating then the whole fabric of society could unravel.

Take a bow you wonderful pudgy, egg shaped citizens. You’re doing a fantastic job and making sure blandness and a lack of creativity helps to keep our glorious nation the seedbed of uninspired mediocrity that the rest of the world hates.

I hope that makes you all take pride in the part you have played in making such a glorious tribute to the joys of being less than excellent. See I know the reality. In due time, ages from now, some future generation will unearth the relics of our country. And the one they will probably find in most abundance will be a remote control. Makes me proud to know we will leave that kind of quality tribute to our achievements.


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