Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Ah yes, now this is the epitome of good, clean fun. Basically it is crap that is so boring and dull that you end up laughing just to keep from crying.

In my little fishpond part of the world called the city of Mediocrity we do have a real bounty of this kind of fun. It is because somebody decided that dull and boring were perfect companions to decent living. Yeah that’s the association people claim.

So my city, well at least on the surface, takes pride in being a real haven for quiet safe living. Like I said that is on the surface. It does allow us to cater to families. As long as they don’t live somewhere that is actually exciting or really entertaining.

Therefore if you are say somebody whose idea of fun includes things like (yawn) having and onion peeling contest or spelling bee or any number of other incredibly boring events then come and visit. You might actually like it here.

Personally I don’t mind so much. What the dullards do to put a smile on their face is their business. However, as Mayor I end up having to attend some of them. Which to me is about as promising in excitement as watching a game of strip dominoes at an old folks home! Nope, as far as I know that hasn’t happened yet. I think they have gambled with dominoes for suppositories, but not a strip version.

Still by mentioning that I think I do give you a reasonable idea of the types of thrill packed adventures you might expect to find in Mediocrity. Doesn’t it make you just crave the chance to come and enjoy the fun? Don’t answer that!

Okay the main reason I’m writing this is because I’m trying to dredge up a little sympathy. It probably isn’t going to work, I’m going to try.

I’m just hoping out there in cyberspace some compassionate soul will really appreciate how tough it is to attend some poetry reading being held by people who are admirers of seventeenth century French poetry. I don’t even speech French, so how the heck am I suppose to enjoy that? I faked it. Which naturally got me invited the next week when they were reading the great works of dead Greek philosophers in their original language. Oh yeah that was a memorable moment for me.

None of this naturally in any way adds to my enjoyment of my job. But I do what I can to try and remember as long as I attend these deals that frankly make my mind go numb then the ordinary people leave me alone. Basically they are so happy I paid attention to their event the lose in any interest in bugging me about real important crap.

This naturally leaves me to suffer the need to just endure having to deal with the crazies in our city. In a way I almost enjoy that part. It hardly ever leaves me with a reason to yawn. Maybe cry a little, but never yawn.

I suppose I better finish this posting. I have to attend a lecture that somehow is going to be about both hatpins and butterflies. I wonder if I can manage to sleep with my eyes open? I guess I’ll find out!


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