Monday, March 20, 2006


How much change do you use in a week? That might sound like a stupid question, but honestly I almost never have a need for change. These days with everything getting set up to use ATM card’s everywhere I hardly even use that much cash.

Heck even the vending machines at work accept dollar bills at this point. And the fast food places when I go to them also take ATM. So in my book it just doesn’t put me in a position where I need to lug around much in the way of coins.

That’s me of course, maybe you are different. Perhaps you use a Laundromat or buy a paper out of a machine. I have washer at home and subscribe to the paper so I don’t worry about that problem.

Nope for me life in that regard is pretty darn satisfying. Which in part is why I thought it merited being mentioned in a posting. After all it is so easy to find those that gripe in postings. So I thought I would offer up a little uplifting reflection on what you might find a good thing.

Well that is my desire of course. And if you are groaning or yawning please keep it to yourself. At least with the computer I don’t have to listen!

Okay I suppose some of might be wondering, what has any of this got to do with pickles that were in the title? Thank you for noticing!

Actually they don’t have anything to do with nickels. So there. And I’m not even going to pretend that I can make nickels and pickles relate to each other beyond the fact that they rhyme.

But for the purpose of trying to some degree to make this have any sense at all I will say that if you get use to not using any coins and then come to a place that you have to have some it can really put you in a pickle. How’s that?

Not good enough! Shut up! Hey I’m slaving away here everyday putting this crap out and the least you could do is be satisfied with what I shove in your face. That’s gratitude for you or should I say me.

In any case, I don’t like pickles so I could care less if you could even buy them for a nickel because I’m not spending the money in the first place. If you want, knock yourself out, I’m not going to do it.

I hope this little interlude of nickel and pickle reflection has in any way been uplifting and informative. If not then well, you shouldn’t have such high hopes from something that is fee you silly cheapskate!

Now where else can you come and read a posting that mentions pickles and nickels together while insulting you and then calls you a cheapskate in the process and hopes you find it uplifting? See that sure be worth something just don’t say what!


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