Saturday, March 18, 2006


This falls under the category with me of, “I’d better do this as a precaution so I don’t end up looking stupid for taking somebody’s advice when I should have known better.” I wish I didn’t even have to have that category. However I have learned that you can’t deal with people and ever expect them to say what they mean or keep promises in every case. Sometimes I run across the exception, but it is the exception.

Being a politician and liar by nature I’m use to not telling the truth. Which is why I have to guard myself in terms of how I interpret what other people say. It is a guess game to be sure, but I’m content to keep playing and even winning at times.

Okay now have said that I should elaborate I suppose on the different situations when “just in case” has different relevance. For example when you are dealing with moody people or those utterly prone to be negative, just in case isn’t a precaution it is mandatory! I mean exaggeration is so darn second nature to such folks. With them the sky doesn’t fall by accident, it is on purpose and the consequence of somebody who wants to ruin their day. The personal side is the elemental focus one has to appreciate in such thinking.

So beyond those who are prone by emotional need to be bad factual reporters there are also the ones with a specific “ax” to grind. That means to me they have a philosophy or belief system that colors every thing they say and do. For them it is their ulterior motive. You just have to be darn sure you know it too before taking their advice. Because if you don’t then you will definitely leave yourself opened for being blindsided by some “just in case” your gut told you was lying behind what their lips were saying.

It really isn’t that complicated. If you see a guy wearing a “save the whales” button you might not want to take his advice on taking some wildlife preserve area and turning it into a parking lot. That might seem like a silly example, but it is my whole point, this whole thing is silly. Because let’s face it, people are silly. Even me in case you think I’m just talking about others.

In any case while some my have the blessings of not having to worry about such things, I do. Quite often as fact. Which isn’t always bad. It does manage to keep life interesting at times as long as I can enjoy dealing with people and maintain a good attitude about the whole process. So far I have achieved that.

Which comes down to me driving to work every day and before I get out of the car at work I just say to myself, “On with the show!” The only thing I never know for sure is who will be on stage for this day’s performance.

One of these days you can be darn sure that I’m going to offer to buy a few clown suits for some of the folks I have to deal with where I need to play the “just in case” card. At least I could smile at the outfit even if they were telling me a said story. That would in many ways be so much easier than having to wait till they were gone to have to laugh behind their back!


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