Thursday, March 23, 2006


There is nothing better than a promise. Unless it is when you get a second promise after the person didn’t keep the first one. Then of course there is the even more exquisite moments when you get that third, fourth or even fifth promise when the person didn’t keep the first two.

Am I painting a good picture here? Yep, I speaking of people who smile in a way that you honestly feel is genuine. You believe them. Then if you find out they lied or failed to keep that promise, you believe them again. Why? Mainly it is because we are suckers and far too gullible. Plus, let’s face it, there are simply too many wolves in the world that love to devour.

I know you might be wondering how come given my nature and what I have said before that such lies would suck me in? I have asked myself that a few times too. Part of it is the abiding delusion that most people aren’t as lecherous as I am. Stupid huh?

Well I could claim that I don’t let me get into such situations. It might even be fun in this posting to do so. Believe me I was tempted. Still I figured that too obvious.

Call me silly, but there are times when I guess I just want to serve the purpose of letting people see into my mind and get to appreciate what a scum sucking lecherous old fart goes through. It might help you in terms of dealing with whatever old lecherous fart runs your city or wherever.

Plus I think you just can help, but being puzzled by the curiosity of human nature. Despite all the incidents of disappointment one experiences in life we still like to have hope. Call it a weakness or some residual since of optimism we don’t want to admit, but I think at the core of our essence there is a desire to think in those terms.

I think it is a good quality too. Even though there are dangers, even though there are too many creeps in the world, life and the light of hope will still exists.

I do have one solution though. In my more frustrated moments I allow my mind to drift t the ways of dealing with the people who never keep promises. Ah how that daydreaming ends up being so therapeutic.

Then I have the moment when my mind snaps back to the slap in the face reality that there are probably a few people having the same thoughts about me. That gets a little depressing at times.

Which brings a sudden urge to fleece somebody with another lie. It is sort of like knowing I’m so guilty of doing this I could never do anything to offset that history. So if I’m going to end up being that bad, I might as well make it worth my while.

Yeah, that sucks in terms of improving. At least, in terms of not lying. But it does help with getting votes. And at election time that what really counts for me.


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