Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Okay this might seem like a stupid observation, but honestly how important is the truth to most people? Oh we say we want the truth, but sometimes what I think we really want is something that sounds true without being repulsive or scary.

Now I call that being positive and uplifting. Others might call it lying. I don’t know it just seems that if you can sugar coat bad news so it doesn’t sound that bad then you can keep the person from panicking if you want to prevent a heart attack.

There might be places and situations where the truth, shocking or not is the best solution. Personally I don’t know of any, but I’m sure they are out there.

One thing that really gives me reason to grin is that item they call “truth in advertising.” The idea if supposedly that you get a statement confirming what the seller says about a product is true. What doesn’t happen though is that they tell you all the truth. In other words the truth part only applies to the portion they told you, not the portion they managed to forget either on purpose or by accident.

In other words it is yet another game. Frankly I love it. I genuinely savor those glorious moments when I can sit down and smile at just knowing how I rear ended a person and didn’t have to actually lie. I just didn’t tell all the facts.

Alright don’t sneer when I say that. Fair is fair here. Like they say what you don’t know can’t hurt you. Well that works in Rash’s world. Maybe not in the real world, but that’s such a boring place anyway.

I guess the reason I even got stuck on this whole thing is because of the time of year it happens to be upon us. Or perhaps I should say the time of year that just passed since when this gets posted the first of January will have already come and gone.

That’s the great resolution time. The most wondrous time when it is really okay to LIE and impress people at the same time with the self-control you probably don’t have. Now if you really are lucky they will never even ask later if you kept your resolution. That my friends is the most merciful aspect of resolutions is when everyone else forgets them.

In the meantime I’m dusting off my list from last year. Why bother wasting time with a new list when I never kept the last one?

I’ll post it somewhere obvious. For about a week. Just long enough to be seen by the people I want to see it.

Then when the time comes, I’ll take it down and put it away. If anybody asks, I’ll simply question, “What list?”

And that my dear friend happens to be my version of the truth or something like it that has served me well for many years. Here’s hoping you find the same joy form such an option if you get the chance.


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