Sunday, January 22, 2006


This is that famous line that comes out of alien movies. Now personally I think any race of beings from another planet who were smart enough to get out planet would also be smart enough not to want to meet with our leader.

Call that being silly if you want, but as a Mayor who knows what kind of people end up getting elected, if I was visiting this planet I sure wouldn’t want to meet them myself. I wouldn’t want to risk them giving my flying saucer a ticket for parking or demanding I pay to register it.

Whether you want to claim our leaders are good or bad, smart or stupid, the one thing I think you can count on is that they are going to want money. After all you can run a government without it. So I have no doubt if there is any intelligent life in the universe that made the mistake of wanting to visit our planet they would avoid all the bureaucrats as well as the long list of “fees” they would expect to be paid.

I know that sort of takes the edge of the idea of us bonding with some alien species for the sake of you know having a good relationship. I’m just being practical.

Of course in those fantasies we produced called movies they can afford to add the fantasy about how we would deal with aliens. They can make it seem like we would get all excited and want to learn and generally treat them with respect, providing some military types didn’t try to shoot them.

In reality though I can’t help that if such a meeting was actually set up you could count on among the people waiting to greet these visitors would be representatives from immigration, taxes and social services. All of which would be holding some forms and a long list of costs for permits and other items they would expect to need before the poor alien ever got a chance to tell us the secrets of the universe.

Yep, that is how I see it would go down if such a meeting would ever take place. I think it probably has a lot to do with why most of the accounts of people claiming to have been visited by aliens take place at night in the middle of nowhere. No fees!

Oh yeah there is one more detail of course. We can forget the importance of making sure these spacecraft were not causing air pollution. So I imagine the governing branch of the applicable DMV would be waiting too and demanding a smog check. Not to mention back fees for registration as well as making sure the dude passed a driver’s test.

Okay you can tell me I’m getting carried away on this subject, but I can’t help think the aliens are smart enough to have figured all this out. Which is why they never bother dropping by any capital.

Ah isn’t life grand when you keep your eyes open? Maybe not as much fun as pretending at times, but if you work it right such as I did with this posting you can still have a reason to smile!


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