Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I vaguely remember seeing this as part of a movie the deal with six of whatever you got some free eggs rolls. And I guess my take on this is mainly about the concept of bargains.

As for the idea of six of something the primary thing it brings to mind it a six pack of beer. About the only thing you can expect to normally get for free with a six pack of beer is a hangover. That is hardly something any of us wants, but there are times when you don’t get the option.

Getting back to the idea of bargains or bonus, which is basically amounts to looking forward to getting something for nothing, well who wouldn’t enjoy that? Providing you are talking about a good bonus and not a something stupid.

I remember as a kid for example always being suckered into buying some kid’s cereal because of the prize inside. I could have cared less about the cereal since in some cases it tasted like sugary cardboard, all I wanted was that stupid toy. And no matter how many times I found the prize, which was almost always at the bottom, it never turned out to be a good as on the commercials. Yet the next time I saw another commercial did I remember the last time? Not on your life!

I have a feeling though I wasn’t alone in that behavior if anyone else is willing to admit they are suckers for getting something for nothing. The problem is that here I am years later and I still haven’t grown up in that regard. I still lust for bargains. Just hearing the word real seems to zap my reason. I end up all goofy and the greed totally controls my thinking.

Naturally I have the misfortune to have a few salesmen in my life that know this about me. So they know exactly how to set me up for some sucker punch of a deal. Which always turns out more expensive than they claim and never ends up being something of quality.

Does knowing any of this in anyway make me think twice when I hear the word bargain or bonus? Nope. I wish it did, but it doesn’t.

They say confession is good for the soul. I’m not all that persuaded I feel better for having said anything. But I do confess it does give me a certain vicarious pleasure to think that out there somebody might read this and nod and say, “boy that sure has happened to me.”

My main hope is that it is a voter and that they know politicians are experts and offering bargains that don’t exist. Which in reality is my main source of comfort since that is how I’ve been getting by in my city for years. And in a way it does help me to cope with the times I get to pass on what was done to me. Oh I never tell the voters that is part ot he reason. Why bother spoiling the illusion that I care about by saying it is revenge? Which in itself is part of what makes it such a great bargain in its own way!


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