Friday, December 09, 2005


This is one of those things people say when it applies to taking a good idea and trying to improve upon it. That’s okay, but like with something such as a wheel what are you going to improve? I mean beyond it being round what else is there to do?

That is the way it seems like with a number of things in society. But we just are satisfied with some things and even if they work we got to improve them.

True there are a lot of things that do need improved or fixed. No argument there. But everything? I don’t think so?

And let’s face it some systems get broke and you simply aren’t going to fix them. Or maybe they just are exhausted so you got to come up with something that will work.

Take the issue of fossil fuels. Now we all know that we can use oil forever. Sooner or later we are going to figure out an option. What? Well I leave that to the scientists to decide. They’ll probably get paid by the oil companies anyway so we might as well accept that any option will probably still be one carry one of those familiar names we see at the gas stations now.

Personally that’s okay with me. Yeah greed got them to the level of success they are at now so let these guys figure the best way to rear end us with some new crap down the road.

But that doesn’t work for some people. They want a new brain to come up with an option. And I call that STUPID.

Look it really is simple. We understand that the wheel is cool. It works, I like it the way it is.

But with fossil fuel, well it has a leak and is going flat. However that doesn’t mean we have to stop figuring the wheel they created can work. It just needs new tread to keep rolling.

Still there are those silly people out there that are going mess with deciding it isn’t enough to come up with new tread. They want some other kind of wheel altogether.

What can I say, it will still be round and still serve the same purpose so why get silly and think we are going to improve on it. That won’t keep people from wasting time and filling the atmosphere with a lot of hot air in the process.

As for me, well I plan on keeping the same wheels till the guy who makes them comes up with the new one that works like the old one, just with new tread. Personally as long as I can put it in my tank and the car runs it is good enough for me. And I don’t want any knucklehead environmentalist being the one who tells me where to fill up. If he wants to then I’ll tell him where he can put his form of wheel!


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