Wednesday, December 07, 2005


We’ve got several stores in my city that have plus as part of their titles. The idea I think is of course that the sell whatever “plus,” meaning they want to let you know they have more than that one product.

Now the sane idea of course to me would be that the “plus” items would in some way be related to the main item they sell. In some cases that has been true, but not always.

So for example if I’m looking for cleaning supplies and I see a place that sells “mops plus” I sort of expect they will probably have cleaning supplies as part of the plus. I did regard that as being unreasonable from my point of view.

Of course there is no law that says whatever you offer as plus has to match you main item. Which means nobody can complain if they go into a store marked “mops plus” and find everything else is related to books. I might think it is weird, but that doesn’t mean the person did anything wrong.

Sometimes it does get interesting though. I have found some truly unusual situations where the person’s idea of plus left me scratching my head. But at the same time there are the occasions when it has left me feeling good because the plus turned out to be something I needed.

One situation that didn’t qualify in my view happened the other day. I found a flyer on my car advertising the grand opening of this place called “Daggers Plus.” It wasn’t that I needed a dagger, but the thought came to mind the most likely sold all kinds of knives.

My wife has been griping that we needed a new set of steak knives at home. Which hardly seems worth getting excited about considering how little she cooks, but I guess I just got tired of her complaining.

So I figured at lunch time I would drop by the place and see if I could surprise my wife with a new set of knives. And given how little we use them I figured they would probably last the rest of our lives.

I drove up to the address and went inside. What can I say? Um perhaps that visiting there wasn’t exactly the high point of my day or week and especially not month.

Oh they had daggers plus alright, but not knives. The owner in her infinite wisdom thought the most appropriate thing to sell as plus for a dagger was various items related to things a witch might used. We’re talking disgusting stuff like jars full of really nasty look crap.

Now she did offer me a great deal on several potions that would do some real marvelous and sneaky things to people I hated, but since I could use any of them to cut steak I decided to pass. Oh well, at least I know where to go if I want to turn somebody into a frog before I stab them with a dagger!


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