Sunday, December 04, 2005


Okay I know that this is often regarded as a means of being nostalgic. You revitalize some antique and rusty bucket of bolts with a paint job and some grease for a celebration. Or you do the same to slap it in a museum and charge a few bucks to let people gawk at it. Well excuse me, but that is what I would do!

Okay now obvious for old Rash baby I’m not interested in any sentimental time of borrowing. In my case I’m talking about down right plagiarism or your basic stealing from somebody else’s outdated ideas. And of course I wouldn’t even dream of giving some dead guy the credit either! Let’s get real on that part.

For me the best thing about the past is that it is an easy target to borrow from. You can stir the emotions about talking regarding the good old days. And if you have some form of sight aid such as a prop that looks old and appealing, man you can just get the tears so flowing at times. It just depends on who you are dealing with.

As for ideas, well if something was a great con once, it can be again. I feel a certain joy and honor to resurrect a wonderful concept that ripped off people in the past. That is so much fun! And what I enjoy most is that there is no one I have to pay for the privilege. Which I don’t have to say any money I scam on that thing. Talk about a silent partner!

Yes I know this is sleazy. You better believe it. And that part makes me so proud. Because it only adds to the value.

Let’s face it nostalgia for some is like a narcotic. They really get high on it. All you have to do is look at how sappy some people get about holidays. It doesn’t even matter if celebrating it can be a pain in the butt and give you headaches, some people just can’t help being drawn in by doing it “because.” And they will pay through the nose to do it every year, over and over and over.

Which for me spells dollar signs. I just have to hit the poor saps at the right moment when they are vulnerable and feeling extra enslaved by some emotional nostalgia and “whammo” they’ll cough up some dough just “because.” God it gets me totally jazzed any time I think of it.

So for me borrowing from the past is just fantastic. I get to use the idea that has been so outdated it is practically forgotten in some cases or so overused that people think you have to use it “because.”

Ah that word because is so glorious. It just gives me goose bumps and thrills all over to know you can say because in the case of something from the past and it works. Well you can often see the wheels turning in people’s heads, but you know when it is “the past” they never let you hear them squeaking.

Well I got to run. I have a meeting to attend. They are this group of citizens wanting to meet to discuss a possible tribute of some kind to the past. I can smell the money already!


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