Monday, December 12, 2005


Ah yes, the complaint department. Well it isn’t just a place is it? Nope it is more like a mood or thought. And it can exist just about anywhere than a person with a mouth can visit. We just don’t necessarily enjoy calling it the complaint department since it is far more fun to pretend we are “mature” and are more capable of coping than is really true.

The reality to me seems to be that we manage to invent extra things to mumble about beyond the usual distractions and annoyances. I personally get into the uncomfortable, but addictive habit of finding flaws in things. And so far my vision has found way too many mars in what otherwise people thing is great.

For example I was watching one of the Harry Potter movies on cable recently. I don’t remember which one to be honest since they are all great in their own way despite the bitching by the bible thumpers.

Anyway there I am trying to savor the fun of a young guy getting his jollies doing all kinds of magical stuff when it hit me. Hey, this guy can do some really impressive stuff, but he can’t fix his vision? Am I the only one that sees something stupid in that idea? Like I said that is where my mind roamed. Here I was having a moment to watch some really entertaining fantasy and my brain got stuck dwelling on what to me was a obvious contradiction to this guy being so powerful as wizard.

But that is just one encounter I’ve had like that. I have gotten in the habit of participating in this club. I won’t bore you with the details about the members, but they love to give out awards for greatness. Only the make the definition for the award so narrow only their pals end up getting the trophy.

Now I don’t mine having trophies. However if the thing is really a joke since it was contrived just to give me the trophy I don’t know I’ll just think of it as less than impressive.

Does that mean I wouldn’t accept the trophy? Not on your life. I mean it looks cool in a trophy case. And let me tell you I sure don’t bother telling somebody that sees it the real truth that it was a “gift” made to look like an award.

Not sharing that fact just gives me a chance to allow the mumbles roam a little more. I’m not sure some people need a reason. They can manage to find plenty of reasons to do that without my help. But I do my small part to make it work in that regard.

Life. You got to love the game called “favoritism.” Providing you don’t forget it is a game. What is scary is the people who treat it as reality. They want you to accept their delusion is truth.

And that folks it what to me leads to even more mumbling. Still I guess everyone has to have a hobby.


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