Friday, December 16, 2005


Those are the great moments of reflection. Providing one grants himself the “license” to revise the facts to support the most inspirational and positive consequences of such a labor. Yep, a dash of invention and proper editing will turn any event and failure into a glorious victory.

Does that truly help? Absolutely. And if it didn’t then why would so many corporations and even our government specialize in having more than one version of the facts? Hey, I’m not complaining, I’m just reporting. Plus I want to say I’m darn proud of those guys for giving us a realistic model to follow.

Who cares what the real score of a contest is if you can prove by deception and massaging the facts that you won? Admittedly if the competition ends up with the trophy you might be pressed to explain it, but heck that just requires a little extra creative effort.

Now why is it important? Because it if for posterity boys and girls. I mean I’m speaking of the version you want in the history books for future generations to see.

And if you write it correctly then shoot you might end up a hero no matter how much this generation thinks you are a loser and a wimp. I’m just tossing out the helpful suggestion that it never hurts to keep in mind that you never have truly lost as long as somebody thinks you won.

I know this might seem petty. But honestly aren’t a lot of things in life just plain dumb and stupid?

So what is wrong with accepting the stupidity for what it is and grab for all the gusto you can even if you have to pretend because you too gutless to do it for real? Does that sound cruel to admit?

Hey folks, I’m going to tell you one thing I have observed. A whole lot of people love to lie about their courage. They would prefer to make it sound like they are heroes when they aren’t. I can’t blame them, but the plain fact one of the reasons we shun the idea of cowardice is because we all are afraid of something and we don’t like to seen anything that reminds us of that fact.

Which is why folks I’m offering this whole thing up as a consideration. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have anything, but feet of clay. Yet, I don’t let it ruin my day. I just find a way to win away. It is called cheating.

Well you might disagree with me. You might say you always prefer to be an in your face kind of person. I say go for it pal.

Meanwhile I’ll be the one cowering in the corner and waiting till you’ve gone bust by that approach so I can rush out and lie and take what you are too exhausted to claim. Then we shall see who is smiling!


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