Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Ah yes ‘happy hour.’ Just thinking of it brings back such wonderful memories. There is nothing more joyous than a good excuse. At least too me. And when I can have one in terms of visiting some favorite watering hole then it is even better.

Saving money is always a great excuse. It gives me a reason to lie about leaving work early, which I never complain about naturally. Plus as I said I feel proud of myself for attempting to save money.

I think the key word there is “attempting.” That is because I normally end up buying twice as much as I would at the regular time and thus I actually spend more rather than less during happy hour.

Still knowing that does inspire me to be sure I plan ahead for spending more knowing it is actually sort of saving money. To that end I just get extra creative in terms of you know finding ways to be sure I suck the funds out of the city’s coffers to finance this little savings effort.

Okay no sneers please. I know you will, but you can’t blame me for saying it anyway. Oh I know you can, but is how I’m going to see it in order to feel better about it from my point of view. Which is what counts when I’m trying to keep from feeling like a creep or too guilty.

Besides from the way I’m looking at it, I’m actually saving the city money in a way. I mean if I’m going to steal from the voters at least I making sure that I’m getting the best deal for my buck! Er that is the voter’s buck. Well not that I can tell them that naturally.

And that is the one thing I guess that really gripes me. Here I am knocking myself out to be thoughtful and considerate and not squander the funds I rip off from the city and voters and I can’t even share my effort with anyone. That is just so unfair.

Gee it sure would make a great campaign slogan if I could get away with it. Vote for Rash. Where you’re stolen tax dollars will be used more efficiently. That has such great quality attached to it and it goes without being public knowledge.

Alas the perils of being a crooked politician. You lose the opportunities to share you greatest accomplishments in order to avoid any possible criminal indictments. Hmmm, I wonder if I could work out some kind of amnesty for myself in order to let the voters know how much I watching over the money they think is going for city use.

I suppose in one way it is going for city use. I mean I do work for the city. So that ought to count for something. However I kind of doubt I’ll ever get others to appreciate that reality. Ah come on folks can I have a cheer at least? I know by the sneers how you would answer that. Which is fine with me since happy hour this afternoon will be more than enough of a way to help me savor my need for appreciation!


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