Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I guess I’m sort of in a mood to think about all things special right now. So I’ve decided to spent a few postings on the subject. (Plus it is a good excuse so I don’t have to think of a good subject as much too.)

Which in terms of reflections and inspiration makes this a specials moment for me. Now my last posting was about special memories. For me that is one of those “you can share it” situations.

Special moments on the other hand in my situation are always something you can share. That is because a special moment for me is one where I get revenge. And the best kind of revenge is one that totally humiliates somebody without them knowing I made it happen. If it makes them look completely stupid with nobody to blame then I call that a truly special moment.

Oh it does take lots of planning to come up with such moments. Which is why they are special obviously. But let me tell you when you accomplish one and some enemy is left totally emotionally scarred by the process then it really feels so darn good.

Now the big trick is being patient. Most people expect immediate forms of revenge. So you can’t just run out and do this right away. You have to let them thing they got away with it in order for them to not be on the defensive.

The hard part for me is letting my emotions cool. And I accomplished that by reminding myself in call it a fantasy or promise perhaps, but that there will be a “special” moment coming later.

Please spare me any rhetoric about forgiveness and how vengeance is reserved for the man upstairs. That might work for some people, but I have to deal with all the miserable and corrupt snakes out there. They probably don’t even know that part about vengeance since their view is beat the snot out of anyone who crosses them.

That is why I love to take on that approach of figuring out what the person values the most and seeing that it is taken away from them. Believe it or not with a lot of people that is their reputation, which is normally nothing, but lies anyway.

I just use my buddy Hugo Muckraker to assist me in that regard. And if that doesn’t work I arrange for a phone call to the authorities where they come rushing in to expect the kinds of answers that makes you leave a yellow pool on the floor.

When it is all done naturally I end up with the simple joy of another special memory. And that is enough in some cases. Not all mind you. There are the ones where I need more. Normally if the jerk has a good looking wife then I try to shoot for that being a place for a special memory. Yeah I know, I’m a leech and a pervert. But it is one of those jobs I do best and I’m a firm believer in knowing that success comes from concentrating on what you do best.


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