Thursday, December 22, 2005


I bet you’ve seen those commercials where they talk about making the choice to either pay for something now (being a hint that it will be cheaper) or pay later. They’re saying, “Okay dummy, give me some bucks right now to do a small preventive maintenance or later I’ll soak you through the nose for being an idiot.)

But you know what? When you think about it they wouldn’t be doing that kind of advertising unless they knew how many people don’t accept that wisdom.

It is like with the idiot lights on a car’s dash. Any of you ever ignore that one that reads “service engine soon?” Shoot I saw in this one program once where the guy went so far as to put a piece of duct tape over the light so he didn’t have to see it. Getting it fixed might have been smarter, but who says we prefer the smart thing if it costs up money and we can avoid the expense a while longer?

I wish this wasn’t a far too constant reminder of how often we all end up procrastinating when prevention would safe us a future headache. There are just some things we love to avoid whenever possible. Fact of life.

And the one thing we can be sure of is that the people selling us crap know how we behave. Does anyone want to tell me that they don’t sit back with a nice strategy that allows for that reality? If you don’t think then I imagine you one of those types that believes the government always tell the truth.

Basically that is the type of hopelessly gullible human being that wouldn’t benefit from the facts anyway. If you fall under that category then I’m happy for you because you’re the wonderful kind of person that will never ask me any embarrassing questions about the city budget. I love you as a voter and citizen in my city. You’re tops in my book of wonderful people who are happy being ignorant.

As for the rest of you skeptics, well go ahead and play that game of gambling you can pay for it later and it not be a disaster. You the average kind of person from what I’ve seen. And if it wasn’t for you think of the businesses that handle major repairs that would never get rich.

You can truly feel proud that you are doing your part to help keep the economy of some people in the black. So go out and celebrate. Providing you car isn’t in the shop for major repairs because you ignored one of those pesky warning lights.

If you car does work then even better. Let’s hope it will keep running long enough for you to have a nice dinner on your plastic. That is assuming you haven’t maxed it out like the rest of us.

Ah isn’t life so wonderful as a consumer? You can definitely have your cake and eat it too. Right up to the point the finance company has to repo it because it was all you had left to use as collateral.


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