Saturday, December 17, 2005


My first observation about each of these is that only weak has an “a” as part of the word. That A has meaning to me a symbol of one thing. Which I guess from my view in terms of allowing myself to get philosophical it implies that whereas with meekness and sleekness they can be generic or a combination of elements weakness is recognized by a specific aspect. Okay I’m sure you are probably sitting there going huh?

So let me try and clarify if I can. Meekness is to be gentle and that can be a good thing in some cases, but maybe not all. The point is there can be an upside. And the same is true for sleekness. It can apply to looking good.

However weakness to me doesn’t really have an upside. It won’t do anything for your reputation unless you like having people laugh at you behind your back.

Still in this category of “ness” and things that sound a like it fits. Why? Well maybe because it rhymes. And thus I think in terms of thoughts if the mind drifts to making connections then that will end up coming to the forefront as something you don’t want to be true.

Where the heck am I headed with all of this? I guess simply to say, that in a way what I see is that each of these beside rhyming is something that in some ways you invite to be thought about if you aspire to one of the others. Yeah that’s what I’m saying. I didn’t say you would necessarily agree, but for example, if you are gentle somebody will probably think you are weak. And if you do achieve a form of sleekness somebody might think you’ve been sick and thus are weak.

Which is why I put weakness in the middle of the three. For in the process of aspiring to something good in one of the other two categories you risk some rat translating it into a weakness.

Whew! I was beginning to wonder myself to a point if I was going to write my way out o that one! And I guess I succeed, um sort of.

I know you might be shaking your head and saying what a waste of space and time. In which case I think you just proved my point. See you went for the throat and found what to you was the weakness in my effort to practice sleekness in my writing. And hoping I could win you over with a meekness in my thoughts so you wouldn’t have a reason to stop reason.

That’s why I said all of them go together. And as a politician, believe me I have a reason to want to keep it in mind. Because I know regardless of what people say you can be darn sure that some will be putting those three words together.

But go ahead and pretend to be sleek and meek in a good way. That way you won’t have to worry about somebody figuring out what you know on the inside regarding being weak. All I can say in that regard is “join” the club folks!


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