Monday, November 28, 2005


Overcoming problems is something that can be very inspirational to others. Of course that sort of depends on what you overcome. You can overcome some hardship and people will admire you for it. But if you say try to overcome something such as the truth then well you might not look so good.

Now you might ask, who would try to overcome the truth? The answer is yours truly. I mean if I didn’t put all my energy into it people would find out what a scoundrel I really am and then I would be in big trouble.

Okay you might say, that is hardly a real form overcoming. But I think of it as such and believing me that kind of hard work at deception can be just as exhausting as doing good deeds.

I don’t wish to spend this entire posting though belaboring the issue of what constitutes an admiral from of overcoming. Mine works for me. In fact most things do if I lie about them enough.

But the thing is with your usual type of overcoming people are inclined to regard it as a good thing. Unless you go crazy about it in some way.

For example, let’s say you have some rags to riches story. That can draw a smile at times. However let’s propose that you did it illegally. Then it might not draw a smile.

Plus if you get really carried away and start stomping on the rest of the world in the progress that definitely won’t get any applause. Call it being fickle, but we love winners, but not greedy and evil ones. The devil may have a few admirers, but I doubt as many as the Lord. Er, I think you get the general idea.

So I guess my main observation is that be a winner and overcome whatever. Just if you are going to be insane about it have the good sense not to act too stupidly. If your idea of success is conquering the world you might want to tone down the ambition just a tad. Start small like conquering your block and see how it goes. A big clue that it isn’t going to well is if you have to execute all your neighbors in order to get your point across. That might be a good time to appreciate you lack of people skills.

Just a few words of suggestion to aid those inclined towards the types of ambitions that often end in something other than fan clubs. Just keep it at a level where you can be sure nobody is going to have cause to shout, “attack, attack, attack,” and you’ll probably be okay.

As for myself, well I’m still working on making sure I keep my overcoming at a level that give me enough of the things I want out of life without any personal risk. I’ll let the insane ones squander their energies in overcompensation. My idea of overcompensation is always related to dollar signs. Which is why to me as long as I overcome with the right kind of deception nobody will know how much I reap an overcompensation!


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