Sunday, November 27, 2005


I love this lead in to trying to guide the mentally blind and gullible off a cliff. Okay I’m being a tad negative I suppose. But whenever somebody is trying to rationalize that a given action will end is a given result I just naturally have a reason to cringe.

Call it having taste the fruit of disaster from such comments too often in the past. Now maybe it works better for others. I can’t say. I just know that it has sucked when I’ve been involved.

Plus I got to admit that I’ve gotten in the nasty habit myself of turning this phrase for the same sappy and dramatic effect. To stand up, well I guess in reality it is sitting at the platform during a council meeting and saying this. Normally it is when I’m trying to stir up the emotions over some lame idea I have that I hope will get me some extra means of sucking a few more bucks out of the city’s coffers. That’s real noble isn’t it? Would you expect otherwise from me?

And I have to confess I had training when it comes to using this phrase. I used to hear my grandfather use it when he was Mayor back during my childhood. Oh at the time being so naive I thought he was sincere too. What was really dumb was no matter how many times it turned out to be a joke, I still bought into it any time he used it.

I could excuse that as the consequence of being young and impressionable, but he still succeeded in getting away with it when I was fresh out of college. However at that point I had the capacity to finally “get it” and began using it myself.

I soon found it had very many potential benefits. I could use it on dates, professors, etc., etc., etc. You get the idea. That kind of feigned drama shows at least that I was giving a certain subject or issue some serious thought.

Naturally I wasn’t giving the thought that much serious reflection. But I did know how to look like I did. And that is part of the key. You have to embellish the phrase with the right facial gestures if you want it to be believed. A smile or grin just won’t cut it.

I just wish there were more occasions when all the drama and flare were intended for good purposes. But I suppose the good purposes have “merit” and so you don’t need to lie about them to inspire.

However somebody, like me, has to be a defender of the plots and thoughts that are less than noble. It isn’t a job everyone can do. And if you didn’t have somebody out there spewing forth the crap about pure crap then how would you know when something is really good? I’ll let you think about that one a bit.

In any case, I do enjoy the thrill of having the chance to find one more phrase I can insert as needed to bring to life some angle I have been working. It just keeps me filled with hope and joy for tomorrow. That is the hope I can reach it without having to answer to many questions about things I promised that don’t work out and at the same time joy when that becomes the reality.


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