Saturday, October 08, 2005


I was listening to this guy on the radio the other night. Normally when it comes to things like aliens and conspiracies and all the doom and gloom forecasting crap on some of those talk shows I don’t bother.

It doesn’t mean I’m not interested in those subjects. It is just they never really have anything to say that changes the situation.

Like on the subject of aliens. You can talk all day about sightings and supposed government cover ups, but when are we ever going to have something really new? I’m talking about actually having AN ALIEN be available for a photo shoot, maybe standing next to his spacecraft and even offer to give people a ride.

Of course I am speaking of a real alien, not some nut who only thinks he is from another planet, but was actually born in some little town I’ve never heard of before. So I want this alien to do a few tricks. Like giving us a cure for all diseases, solve the environmental problems and even come up with a free source of inexhaustible energy. Oh yeah, I’m not picky or unreasonable am I?

While I’m waiting for that to happen in the meantime I would like to have those darn predictor types that get attention on these talk shows to shut up. I’m sorry, but if you make one correct prediction out of fifty, I really am not going to regard you as reliable. These radio talk show hosts don’t seem to care about that aspect. The moment they find guy who claims he has visions and can see the future and lucks out with one right prediction, man they give him the type of air time they would if his name was Nostradamus. BORING!

Personally, if these see all, know nothing wizards of visions are so darn good then let them prove it. Yeah come on guys give us the kind of info that will truly verify you are the real thing in terms of seeing the future.

How about starting with something small like telling me the winning numbers to next week lottery? Is that really too much to ask?

Now what I’m suggesting is that the person only does this once and since it is my blog, he gives them to me. Then after I’ve won and collected my winnings, I’ll be more than happy to tell the world how great you are.

Well true I wouldn’t have time to do it right away. I might need a while to take care of a few details like opening a Swiss bank account and er, I think you get the idea.

In the meantime, all I ask is if you are one of these who thinks you got a crystal ball for a brain at least keep it to yourself until you been right more than once a year. And while you are at it then give some thought to also doing what you can to come up with some really cool predictions instead of just doom and gloom. Bad news I can get every day. Good news is the hard part. So lie a little, what hard would it do?


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