Monday, October 03, 2005


Well I think it is time to set the record straight. What is an IOU really, it is where YOU needed something and borrowed it from somebody else with the promise you would pay it back later. Pretty basic huh? No mystery, no surprises, just need demanding attention.

Now with an IOU there is an understanding. You get what you need now and then when times and circumstances allow you will return the favor to the person who helped you. It seems like a reasonable arrangement providing you aren’t dealing with some loan shark.

As my title suggests, I’m going to reflect on the kinds of IOU’s where the debt it to yourself. Make sense, no? Okay let me try to elaborate a little.

How often in life do we make a promise to ourselves that we are going to do something for our own benefit and then never get around to actually doing it when the chance occurs? You might say never, but honestly I see the martyr types ever day between work and being out in the public.

And you know what happens when you don’t pay up on a debt to yourself? You get pissed. Oh you might not say so, but it will eat at you for a variety of reason and then generally later you will vent that anger in some unhealthy way.

I say this because I do it myself. Hey, just making an observation where I have to plead guilty also.

I guess the main reason I even got on this whole deal was because I had one of these situations the other day. For the longest time I kept promising myself I would go to this one city nearby and visit with the Mayor and let him give me a tour of his city hall. Unlike me he isn’t a crook so that was different. And I believe his reasons were fair enough, he wants to help his city and only been in office a short time. So he wanted other Mayors with far more experience to drop by and give him ideas.

None of this was a bad idea and I knew it would mean a break from my routine and a chance to make some new contacts, plus even an opportunity for me to perhaps impress the guy. But I kept putting it off. I think the main reason is because I knew since I was nothing like this guy I would be reminded of how I did things without my first priority being the needs of the voters. That is something I live with, but I’m not keen upon seeing somebody who actually cares and having to pretend that I do too.

Yet despite this problem, over all I knew there were far more pluses to this event than negatives. So going really would be good for both of us too. However I still kept putting it off.

Then the other day I sat down and just stopped making excuses and call the man up and finally went over to see him. It went pretty much the way I expected and this was one I O ME that I did cash in on. I only wish it meant I would take care of all of them, but that I’ll just save for another time providing I can keep from putting off being good to myself again. Here’s hoping you have better luck at that than I do.


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