Friday, October 07, 2005


Oh yeah I sure wish there was really a time for everything. Now I’m not bible thumper, but I have heard them talk about some place where it talks about there being at time for different things. And that I sort of get means that certain opportunities come along at given moments in life.

What I want to know is how come we can’t get a little cooperation if that be the case with having a time for the stuff we like and not just whatever the big guy upstairs decides is cool? Now come on folks, let’s be honest here wouldn’t it be fantastic if somewhere in all of that a time for it included stuff like a time for winning the lottery?

Would life sure be more interesting if you had a nice little pocket calendar with dates circle in color codes for things such as that? Alright call me being silly, but I can’t help it, I just think that there ought to be a better way of handling some things that letting fate or chance decide who gets a break.

Hmmm, I wonder if there would be a way to make a law on this subject. You know so of override fate with a for sure option? Like we sit down and pick all the truly wonderful things of life and then plug them into a computer. Then we plug in the names of everyone who has filed an application and paid a fee. (Hey this would be a government deal so you couldn’t have it without some kind of fee!)

I tell you this has possibilities. No fuss, no guessing, just pure planned out luck. And you would know that as of a given date you would win whatever. (For and extra fee I think we could arrange to make sure your deadbeat relatives didn’t find out either.)

The more I think of this the more it really appeals to me. In fact so much so that I might even see if we can kick off this whole program in my own city. Let’s see I should start with a name. I know I’ll call it the Limburger Luck Lottery.

And why not? After all I came up with the idea. So the next thing would be to set up some computer with the means to plug in all the winners in advance.

Now I think it only fair of course since I came up with the idea if I get to be the first winner. I figure that if I’m giving you a sure fire chance to win some mega bucks then you shouldn’t squawk about me being first.

Well I think I’ll have to do some fine tuning naturally before this thing is ready to fly. Oh the first lottery, the one I’ve, AHEM, already won, well that one can head off and start no problems.

As for the rest, well I think I need the folks to be a little patient. No big deal, I’m sure just knowing they will when is enough to keep them satisfied.

Meanwhile, I’ll probably plan a nice trip with my winnings. And I just hope I can make it back in time for the next lottery. If not, well, er, good luck!


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