Sunday, October 02, 2005


Man this is so easy to miss. It is the “fine print” of dialogue. The stuff a person says quickly and casually in hopes you won’t pay attention. And then later since you didn’t hear it in the first place it gives them a chance to dump all kinds of crap on you.

I think salesmen are the best at this. I doubt they go to school to learn this talent, but they possess it just the same. Oh I agree politicians and lawyers practice this too, but I think salesmen are the true masters.

The plain fact with some things that people sell is if you didn’t have the “little crap” in terms of promises the item might not get bought. When you look in most people’s homes I think you would be honest and admit we’ve all been suckers from some impulse items and most likely have all kinds of them littering where we live. We don’t have to have them, but we WANTED them in some way.

So what if we got ripped off on the price or will never use that thing in our life time, we needed it at the moment. And that folks is called life!

My question is why do we beat ourselves with our self-control in this area? How come we seem to get into the mindset that having crap or not paying attention when we get told little crap is always a bad thing?

There is only one reason, pride. That’s right it is the basic spirit of vanity and arrogance that haunts our spirit with a never admit your wrong bedevilment. We love saying I told you so, hate it when others do it to us and never under fear of embarrassment want to admit when we made a mistake. Or worse when somebody proved they were a better liar and suckered us with some bogus little crap that we didn’t smell in time.

And I say, rejoice fellow brethren of the red, white and blue. Be proud, be vigilant for a chance to do the same and above make darn sure you get an opportunity to figure a way to avoid admitting when we proved we were absolute saps for some con job.

Now that to me is paying attention to the little crap the right way. That is celebrating the quintessence of the “game” of words and deception that have helped to make our great land the best darn salesman of little crap on the planet.

Oh we can beat the snot out our enemies in the traditional sense and proved we will even if we don’t have to. But I say the much neglected path of patriotism that is part of our real greatness is our capacity to shovel out the little crap and get away with it.

So feel proud at whatever part you have played in this great and glorious game of words. It is one we’ve practiced for years and are winners at in every way. I just don’t think we’ve been quite as willing to take a bow for that attribute as we should be. But I’m sure if we give ourselves a little bit of time and the right motivation we can change all that.

Then instead of just dumping crap on people and they say were are full of it we can smile and say with pride, “You betcha!” See don’t you feel better already knowing what you thought was a lame quality is really a source of boasting? Just think of how great you could feel about other things you thought were bad if you give me a chance to share the gold of my view of life?


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