Wednesday, September 28, 2005


There sure is a big difference between when you are promised something and when it actually takes place. No matter who sincere the person, no matter how believable they he or she seems to be the plain fact is until what they promise happens it is another case of “said em.”

Now as a politician I try my best to seduce people into thinking that my said em is a done deal in terms of the get em part is totally going to happen. Confidence is the big key. Making sure I sound and act as if what I promise has already taken place is what seems to work best.

And then later when the get em part doesn’t happen at all, well I try to figure a way not to be available for comment. Or I blame somebody else for it or find some excuse to explain the fact that the get em never happened.

Oddly enough though I get totally miffed with somebody does this too me. Like the experience I’m going through at the moment. My wife decided it was time to remodel our kitchen. I’m not really sure why since she normally doesn’t cook as a rule and we spend very little time there. But she made such a fuss that I told her okay get a contractor and have them work up a bid.

I’m thinking you know, get this over with as soon as possible for as cheap a fee as possible. I only wish that was what happened.

The first problem was actually getting a contractor to return my calls. It is as bad as trying to find a lawn guy. At least in our city. I guess they spend all their time out cutting grass, but one thing is for sure they aren’t going to call you back.

And dealing with these contractor types was about the same. But finally we did manage to reach a guy who promised to come out and look at what my wife wanted and give us a bid. So I waited at home for him on a Tuesday and waited and waited and the jerk never showed up or called. That was sure fun.

Well that didn’t discourage my wife. She was still burning with a desire to have a new kitchen. We tried again. This time we actually managed to even get the guy to come out and he gave us a bid a week later. His estimate for remodeling was two weeks.

That didn’t seem too bad. We penned the deal and figured in a couple of weeks things would return too normal. As of right now that was two months ago. And I guess it is a good thing my wife doesn’t cook that much because at the moment it looks like it will be three more weeks before he’s done.

Some people might claim that is justice for the times that I’ve done that to others. Does that mean I’m going to change? Nope it just means that next time I’ll plan on moving before I agree to remodel again. And that folks is my way of coping. If you wanted me to say I was going to change, I’ll promise too if you want. Just don’t hold your breath to see when it really happens!


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