Thursday, October 06, 2005


Do you find it hard to celebrate some success when you can’t tell anyone about it? Perhaps you are ready this and frowning because you have no clue on what I’m talking about? And that is probably a good thing since it might mean you are accustom to ripping people off as I am.

Now what I’m trying to accomplish here is not to gain sympathy I guess. Mainly to more than anything see if you can appreciate my dilemma in this situation. I mean if I win, I love to feel good about it just like anyone, but if I did so by a means that the law would frown upon how can I say anything?

I know there are most likely some wises asses out there that might claim that I ought to take that as a hint I need to change my idea of victory. Nice try, but that isn’t going to happen.

Mainly because, what can I say, I totally and completely enjoy that style of success. And yet at the same time, I am human enough to need a chance to strut my greed and other corruptible stuff.

I realize that I’m in good company in terms of this hurray, hush it thing. I have no doubt there are plenty of corporate executives and politicians and a host of others who have this same problem. So could I hear at least the faint sound of a sigh of sympathy for us poor victims of a basic natural tendency towards hopeless corruption? Okay you can laugh afterwards. Just not to loud please, I not really too anxious to be reminded how silly this all sounds.

However if you can stop snickering long enough I hope you will at least appreciate that in many ways this is one of those social and financial games that is part of life. It has existed for years and had many players. And all of them, unless they end up managing to get screw up and get caught have gone unappreciated for their talent.

After all there are champions in this game just like any game. And I’m sure there are World Champs also.

But nobody gets to show off their belt! Or their crown or get the slightest chance to have the sport covered by television.

I say that is a crime. Our country loves winners. So how come we can’t at least extend a little amnesty on this subject to let the television broadcast of the Sneaky Olympics.

I hear people complain about how the regular Olympics has too much politics and too often the best athlete doesn’t always win. When it happens to one of our athletes we sure get pissed.

Well I got a feeling this is one type of sport where we could prove we are the sneakiest people around if given a chance. Hey a trophy is a trophy right? Something to think about at least.


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