Thursday, September 29, 2005


I’m sure most people have heard of the term politically correct. I always regarded it as walking the middle, wishy/washy ground where you guard yourself from trying to say anything offensive. And mainly it seems to apply to the idea of the names you give people. It is suppose to mean being sensitive to the identity of people who would regard a given nickname as one they would find unacceptable.

This seems to be a bigger problem today than in the past. There just seems to be way too many people who easily get pissed off because they are member of some group that at one time were referred to in one manner and they don’t like it.

Some of these can make sense. Especially if you are talking about folks who are members of a group that too often have been ridiculed unfairly. Naturally they are going to be more than a tad sensitive that you are insulting them if you use that same nickname by accident or intent.

It to me is all about being sensitive to people’s differences. Well at least that seems to be the priority. I’m not completely sure it works that way in practice though.

I guess that is because while “publicly” some politicians will avoid the use of certain names, in private it is a whole different manner. I know because I’ve been in the bar with a few fellow politicians who are fortunate nobody has a tape recorder or they would be in big trouble.

And I guess the think that really bothers me about this whole thing is I know and you know the way they talk in those settings represents the way they really feel. As for myself, well what can I say? I’m a lying, crook and a whole lot of other sleazing things, but I’m an equal opportunity scum.

That means to me that my goal is to rip everyone off as often and as much as possible. So I don’t have time to waste hating anyone for being different. I need the time and energy for figuring out how I’m going to pick your pocket and make you feel good about it!

Which I guess makes me an odd form of politically different. Because I don’t need regular hate to get through the day. So I like to think that gives me a few brownie points with my fellow man in that regard.

And boy do I need them to cancel out the fact that in so many incorrigible ways I’m going to do anything other than take the high ground on moral terms. I wish all of that translated into somehow me feeling superior to the hopeless narrow minded, anal retentive creeps who like to justify their hate.

But the big thing that annoys me is knowing that they lie too. It is just in their case it extend to them being able to have a public image of false decency.

Whereas in my case, well I never succeed at that kind of pretense. I could never keep a straight face that long!


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