Friday, September 30, 2005


When I get a chance I surf other blogs. And let me tell you folks people sure love to express their opinions. It sure doesn’t matter if they are good at it, these days just about anything you can imagine will be found on a blog somewhere.

I suppose there is some merit in having so many people without any verifiable credentials giving their opinions on things like world affairs, the economy and other issues of contemporary importance. And you can be darn sure that if a major story is on the news it will find its way on several blogs who will give their opinion on the issue.

Which is probably why I don’t spend a whole lot of time doing the same thing. Why be like the rest of the blogging world and use my blog to post some opinion on a subject that I otherwise wouldn’t do anything about.

There was a time when for example this “when push comes to shove” meant that in an emergency or being shoved instead of pushing by life some people would act. They would rise to the occasion and do something about a problem.

Well I think that was part of the “good ole days” of human responsibility. These days I think we are more likely to blog about whatever instead. Shove being translated into postings as opposed to other action.

And so whereas at one time action was the consequence of a crisis and involvement meant asking “what can I do?” when feeling shoved, now we respond with saying it and deciding it is enough. Oh and of course you are always free to leave a comment on a blog posting if you see one that says something that pisses you off or you agree with. That is the other side of shoving, commenting even if rare is doing something from our point of view.

Am I complaining about this process. No, not really. Just making an observation. We are probably more inclined to say what we think than do something about it. And in the past there were plenty who bottled up some feelings when pushed came to shove and neither did or said anything. So perhaps in one way it is progress.

Plus it is good therapy too I suppose. After all talking is better than allowing one’s frustrations fester till you take a gun and vent your feelings in a real unhealthy manner.

So over all we can say it is all good fun. I just hope that people will try to keep that in focus. And hopefully it won’t be another in a series of excuses we manufacture to justify our ineptitude at real activism.

Which is always the importance in playing any game and the blogging game is no different. The rule is that the score doesn’t matter. It isn’t even how you play the game. It is the fact that you played at all. If you can remember that and enjoy yourself then shove your blogging heart out! And if you can’t well shove your blogging heart out anyway and at least it will maybe keep you from doing something more drastic. Cheers!


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