Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Now this for me is a fun aspect of life. Those times when you get to expect certain things from people.

No lies needed just a request. And if you are dealing with the right person even better. Some just understand this type of thing better.

Course it can get complicated. You have those times when the person may not appreciate your situation.

So you have to tolerate their attitudes. And that means other that times of joy. Well that is from my view.

I just have this thing about not wanting to have too many on my list of friends that don’t accept this option. They really don’t get on my priority list.

Now I’m not talking here constant abuse or anything. More of an understanding. The simple cooperative nature of helping each other.

Only perhaps with some variables. Since this does include such things as special favors. Yes those count.

Now perhaps I can let this be one of those oh yeah times. The ones that you love because they feel so darn good.

Once again this is one of those accommodation areas that exists, but you can’t brag about it. You just have to try and not advertise directly.

So instead it comes through the routine of dealing with people. A nice friendly chat to earn a few smiles.

Then once you are convinced the person won’t rat you out then you can talk about options. Hopefully promising ones.

Oh how I long for the good old days. The simpler times when you just didn’t worry about things like wire taps.

But then today with the rates of bribery having gone up it works great. You just have to pass on the cost to others.

I didn’t say they would enjoy it. Just that you would be thrilled to have a chance to do so. At least when it can happen.

Which for me is never enough. So that is why I keep trying to expand my circle of friends.

And my sources of bribes.


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