Sunday, January 18, 2009

Be A Star

Well sure is a joy to have this as an ambition. Even better if it happens. But the problem with stars is they do fall.

So the old rule whatever goes up, must come down applies. There are the shooting stars. They are the ones that rise so spectacularly.

Oh they burn so bright. You just are sure they will shine forever. But sooner or later a brighter star rises.

And all the star watchers stop looking at the old one to check out the new one. And before long they have forgot the previous one.

Now that is called life. Really does happen so much. Sort of fact in life that you can depend to always happen.

And the sad thing is when you expect otherwise. That is when you really will have problems.

If you are one of these types who love to be a star, but think doing so will make you stay up in space forever, then you are in big trouble. Yeah, that will be the fact.

However, if you prefer to be a rocket then there is hope for you. Rockets can be refueled. And that means you have a been chance of surviving.

Now you see that is the main difference. A star tries to only fly by its own talent. Never thinks of not continuing to fly.

Thinks it doesn’t need any help. And that is the biggest weakness of a star. Yep, being stupid.

Whereas a rocket is smart enough to seek some help. Find some source for fuel. Oh yeah that really works.

And I do feel so inclined to be realistic on that part. Because you sure will get so much more success with some help.

That is called wisdom. It doesn’t work well with pride. They sort of fight against each other.

And that is the part that matters. You just need to take the time to plan ahead. Get that launching pad primed.

Then you can take off and feel confident. The ability to function without any silliness. Plus no risk of leaving a crater.

Nope that never is a good choice unless being moron is your idea of fame.


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