Sunday, January 11, 2009


I wish this was something everyone understood the same way. But that never works the way you want.

Mainly it seems you get your choice of help that either helps in away that makes things worse or doesn’t help at all. And they sure get upset if you complain.

Course I do feel a special obligation to see that as a Mayor I assist people in a way that reflects the real meaning of help. So they have the right expectations.

Now the proper way is to be sure they have to fill out a form. That is very important.. They need to be given the illusion they need is important.

Notice I said illusion. See this is important. I think the most important need is for knowledge.

It is the key to be sure others understand help in the proper perspective. At least in terms of what government does.

Which is why we use forms. And make them as complicated a possible. Being sure they are confusing.

Then naturally you make sure you never answer questions in a way that makes sense or is logical. Hoping it will discourage.

If they are stubborn and still expect help then you go to level two. This is where you make sure you let them talk to a supervisor.

The person can be a complete idiot, but you give them the title and then let them drone on about whatever. This really is such a great ploy.

In the end most leave. But there is always the strange person that still thinks we will help them in some way.

That is the part you have to really work at. The die hards that just won’t give up. You really have to work hard to educate them.

This is the time for appointments. Yep, you only have ones available they can’t use. Make them months away too.

Really is the fun of it all. And if you are fortunate they will give up. Which is the fun part.

Alas it doesn’t always work. There are a few who you end up having to actually help. Got to hate that.

But guess that is one of those risks we take seeing how we are civil service.


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