Thursday, January 15, 2009


Oh the perfect question to cover a lie. It is a way to pause and try to pretend you are innocent.

It also takes some good effort to make this convincing. And if you work it right it gives you time to find a patsy.

After all you know you’ve been caught. It isn’t the problem. So you just take time to find out who you are going to blame.

All of which has to be done without spilling your guts. Nope that will never do. You can’t enjoy that option.

Because if that happens it is an admission of guilt. That is one thing you don’t want under any circumstances.

As long as you take time to relax and act innocent that is the first part. The you can sit down and give that belief me look.

The one that looks so wounded. Now that is so important. Because it is part of the game.
Which is the key.

Once that happens then you never know. It can be a point where you can enjoy this whole process.

You just have to be able to appear calm. I didn’t say you were calm. Just appeared that way.

And now after you have achieved that part then all is well. Providing you can keep up that image.

This calls for stamina. No weakening at the last moment. No giving up at the last second from the pressure.

It is so important to remember that part. I have know plenty who have forgotten. They just panic and cave.

In any case we mosey along here. I keep hat in hand as some say. Got to look needy. Lambs get sympathy lions get accuse.

Um that is a Limburger philosophy. You just have to be willing to accept it based on my experience.

Which trust me will help you survive such experiences. And that will make it all worth while.

Enough said, I hope so.


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