Friday, December 05, 2008


In the process called life there are always this possible explosive situations. And plenty of people who also fall under that category.

Regrettably they will often make sure that you are left worried they will do something dangerous. And that is never a source of thrills.

Now the really pain with this is never being sure who is dynamite and who is a fake. The fakes are the ones that like to make you believe they are dangerous.

And it is such a pain since both act the same way. They just don’t act different enough for you to sure about how they will behave.

So that is why you have to be careful. Not act like a wimp, but neither can you afford to be stupid.

Now the best method is to check the person out. Look for little clues they are the type who will either blow up or just fizzle.

Do it right and you can have so much fun. Do it wrong and you have no idea what kind of disaster can happen.

So the best part is to just take the time to be sure you check out the little thing that might cause problems. Yep, this is very important.

All of this comes down to the basic fact that people are not sane. What a pity they have to even lie about it.

I think life would be so much more blessed if we could get this part straight. Just have people stop acting otherwise.

I know it is fun to pretend that people will act smart. And they will always make good choices.

I love when I can actually make this into a game. Actually there is very little that I don’t enjoy turning into a game.

If I do this enough it keeps me from being pissed off. Which is never fun. And along the way also saves a few explosions.

Just have to not try and let people know it is a game. They get upset if you treat them like they are you know not taken seriously.

At least if I work it right I don’t have to worry about them finding out a thing. Just letting them diffuse elsewhere.

And blow up at somebody else.


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