Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Got to wonder about this one on my end. I have seen so much in life and so little of it makes sense.

And I’m more inclined to believe in dumb luck than fate. Just observed too many who manage to stumble their way to success.

Which is not on purpose to be sure. Yeah, that is not how I’ve seen things take place. Not at all.

Now the way I figure it destiny is more like a lottery. Whoever is in charge in the universe, if there is one just has only so many blessings to pass out.

So he or she just you know can’t really decide who deserves it most. Too many liars and what not.

So the only fair thing is to leave it to luck. Yep, I can see it coming out that way. Just putting all mortal names in some incredibly huge hat and pulling out a winner.

Sure makes more sense that to believe it is all planned. I mean this is pure insanity the way it works now.

So that I the way I figure it as to work. And my only complaint is that I can’t bribe the host.

I would sure love that. Just a chance to you know get a chance to get the have an edge on this deal.

I can’t see the problem with that part. Only haven’t found a way to make it happen, sure wish I did.

Oh I wouldn’t mind you know having that kind of blessing. I did check and didn’t see where even Satan offer that option.

Never was clear on exactly what you got for selling him your soul. Nobody says if you get any options or a contract.

Well in any event I just know I would love to get a break. But then I imagine everyone would.

And then I will just settle for those times I can be creative on this. Yeah, have some edge I caused.

Doesn’t have the same joy to it as pure dumb luck. Now that you don’t have to work for. And I love that lazy option.

Just don’t want to work for it.


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