Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Well dialogues are different in terms of if they are about conversation or speeches. The speeches can be such a pain.

Unless I am the one who is giving it. Then it is cool. Well from my view. Yeah, I love given speeches.

That is where I do most of the talking. And I really enjoy it verses something such as a lecture.

Now that doesn’t fall under my idea of thrills. Not in anyway do I enjoy it. Because the person just is trying to bend my mind to their view.

And who needs that? I don’t. I know what I do wrong. And I work very hard to lie about it.

Just don’t care to have somebody else remind me of what is wrong. If I need that then I can wait to find out later.

Like as in never. Yeah, who really needs those headaches? I mean come on lie to me. Yeah, make me feel good.

Come on who really needs truth? I mean it is overrated from my view. So totally boring and depressing.

So now let’s have some fun. Make up some crap that sounds good. Really doesn’t it sound so much better?

But you always get the purest. Those silly minds with no sense of humor. They want facts.

And they are welcome to them. Not me, I want lies. I want fairy tales. The truth I can get too many places, all depressing.

Okay so this won’t solve problems. But if we work it right, who cares? Yeah, then we can all have fun.

We can sleep under the stars and generally make the world seem like it is a perfect place. Which is far less painful than some other options.

But then you have to make sure you don’t stop faking it. That is the key here. Make it all sound good.

Then when it doesn’t work we don’t complain. Just find another lie to make it even better.

Till things fall apart, then we find new ways to fake it.


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