Thursday, December 25, 2008


Now from my view this role would be better spelled roll. Because you really do have to be so careful to know you are going to be pressed on the compliance.

So this means you are one big pastry. Yeah, not the kind you will like to be honest. You are going to end up being served.

Everyone will want a piece of you. And they will devour you and ask for more. That is why the smart person doesn’t vie for this title.

I do my role model work through others. Yeah, that is the part that really works. Just the times you have to let yourself create the illusion that it all works.

Yep, that is not the good part. I really have to just you know appreciate this is a matter of liking dessert.

Which is a case of being sure somebody else is the actually cake. You stick with being the icing.

See that is the part that people remember as sweet and tasty, but really they devour the cake. You do that by taking time to make lots of sugar.

Those are promises that you make. Only you do take the time to give somebody else the credit.

Which makes them the snack. Yeah, they think they are great. Real that is the part that counts.

You have to make them what to be the cake. You have to feed them all kinds of bull till the believe it.

And play up the part that makes them you know believe it will be a good think. Feed their ego big time.

Make them think they are a saint. Make them so darn happy to volunteer. Then they will beg for the job.

And for a while they will think they are so great. Yeah they will think they are doing fine.

Not tell later will the find out they are suckers. By they you have the praise for being so great.

Then end up on the platter. And you get to say, next? Which is the next time they get a chance to find out who is on the plate.

Just not me.


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