Saturday, December 06, 2008


Ah yes, being alone. A great option when you want to be. And the absolute pits when you don’t want it.

Course as with most things lies are the solution to this problem. You spend the time telling yourself the reasons you are alone on purpose.

And they better be good ones. Yep, that is absolutely essential. You can’t lie to yourself very well if you can’t make it believable.

Now the problem is that I can’t make this work enough. So I have to supplement it in some special way.

Yeah, that is really tough when you run out of things to say that you can believe and have to make crap up. Never works that well.

So one has to try and keep this in the proper balance. A lot of booze and the right words will normally help.

Just not all the time. Alas that is not the perfect choice in all situations. Sure wish it was. But just doesn’t work that way.

So the best method is to always find some form of distraction. Movies can be fun. So can other options.

Yeah, the more choices you have the better it is. And naturally I keep this affordable through various means.

Not always ones that I can talk about. Because even those they are creative, not everyone would see it that way.

Well what can I say? I mean you have to have those moments we really need something different required funds.

I consider it therapy. So that for me is very important. After all I do have duty to take care of so many.

Which makes it all seem perfect. I didn’t say it was. Just that it is so satisfying to find some reason to justify such things.

Course I didn’t say everyone like it. Can be less than popular with people who have morals.

So naturally I don’t include them. And it might be why they spend so much time alone. Yeah, I really appreciate it.

But that is okay, I do the best to just keep pretending. And sometimes it actually works.


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