Saturday, August 09, 2008


Now like excellent nobody hears this word and expects something bad. That would never do.

But there are times when the word is used indirectly. A form of complaint. One of those things we say when we are expressing unhappiness over some dismal situation.

Otherwise wonderful can be well, wonderful. A time of blessing if we work it right. Some do and some do not.

Just hard to always say for sure when you can count on it. I wish it was all the time. Just never works out that way.

So we do our best to try and gleam when it is possible. Which may be on occasions if we allow ourselves the freedom to explore that options.

This is where you have to be creative. And some will never quite get excited on that part.

Ah that is what doesn't quite work for a few. Okay so the thou shalt not types are sort of out of luck.

For they have this nice box they live in and you can't get them to use any scissors. Too risky, they might enjoy it.

And who needs that? Not those people. Well you can count on them to not consider that option.

It would mean they could actually enjoy life. And that would be terrible. So truly horrible.

Why it could lead to a serious infection of happiness. Who needs that? How awful such a risk would be.

So for the sake of such people you can let them be exposed to such options. They will only love wonderful if it is miserable.

And let me tell you that is not a thing that appeals to some of the rest of us. I don't personally want any artificial wonderful.

You can save that for those who are pleasure diabetics. They can have their simple diets of smiles.

Meanwhile the rest of us will got the buffet. Sample freely on any snack that is there. And whatever season or condiment comes with it.

There are so many good ones hard to pick just one though. So I'll have them all.


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