Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Ah the joy of turning up the heat to see what you can cook up. The oven being other people's moods.

Always nice when you can whip up some sizzling casserole of frustration for somebody you hate. Make for some nice cooking.

At least when you see the final product produce some really tasty results in someone you hate. Oh yeah that is what it is all about.

Now it really doesn't take much to adjust the temperature of some people's ovens. They are so often used to that happening anyway.

You know from dealing with some many cooks in life. Like their bosses, the government, some customer service people and a host of others.

So that will make so many already prepared to expect it happening again. And if the last time was really heated and aggravating, oh my that is a blessing.

I do have to cherish when I can manage to find the perfect way to heat up somebody's oven that I hate. It really gives me pause to smile.

I even have a cook book for such situations. All kinds of little recipes for adding a grumpy mood to a person you hate.

And that joy comes from when you can do this without a person knowing you did the cooking. Just heap plenty of grief on things to make it all come out right.

Now being a mayor I have plenty of options in that regard. Oh yeah, never run out of those.

And it is so fabulous when I can take the time to figure out the perfect baked misery to pass on. Just so many ways I can do that.

What with the options of health inspectors, building inspectors and license bureaus the possibilities are endless. Yeah, I do revel in the options.

Yep, any time I can pass on a little pastry that makes those jerks have headaches I count it as a good day. And am so thrilled to take pride in my baking.

So that is okay. I just will keep on cherishing those special times when the ovens start roasting and I get to watch.

Aw, the joys of cooking that last forever. Got to love it. Yeah all those precious times when you remember so fondly.

By the groans of those who had their ovens lit.


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